Uddingston Gym
Terms & Conditions







These Terms and Conditions are the standard terms which apply: 


A.             to provision to, and use by, Members and other users of any facilities and services provided by the Gym, namely Uddingston Gym of 9 Philip Murray Road, Bellshill, Glasgow, ML4 3FA


B.             where the Member and any other user of the facilities or services of the Gym is a “consumer” as defined by the Consumer Rights Act 2015.


1.             Definitions and Interpretation 

1.1          In these Terms and Conditions, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions have the following meanings:



means any business, trade, craft, or profession carried on by You or any user of the gym or any other person/organisation;




means a “consumer” as defined by the Consumer Rights Act 2015, and in relation to these Terms and Conditions means an individual Member or user of the Gym who receives or uses any facilities or services of the Gym for the Member’s or user’s personal use and for purposes wholly or mainly outside the purposes of any Business;


means Uddingston Gym whose place of business and contact address is the same address as above and includes all employees and agents of the Gym and reference to the Gym shall include reference to any and all facilities and services provided by it;


means an individual who is who is a Consumer and whose application for membership of the Gym has been accepted in writing by Us, and he/she will be a Member thereafter for as long as he/she remains a Member as provided by these Terms and Conditions


means membership of the Gym;

“Membership Fees”

means the fee(s) due for Membership; 

“Membership Plan”

means any minimum period of Membership at any of the different grades of Membership;


means a Membership billing period (which is not necessarily a calendar month); and


means The Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013.


1.2          Unless the context otherwise requires, each reference in these Terms and Conditions to:

1.2.1      “these Terms and Conditions” is a reference to these Terms and Conditions [and each of the Schedules] as amended or supplemented at the relevant time; and

1.2.2      a Clause or sub-Clause is a reference to a Clause of these Terms and Conditions.

1.3          The headings used in these Terms and Conditions are for convenience only and will have no effect on the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions.

1.4          Words signifying the singular number shall include the plural and vice versa.

1.5          References to any gender shall include the other gender.

2.             Membership

2.1           In order for anyone to use the Gym they must have an active Membership 

2.2        You will become a Member of the Gym only if and when We accept Your application and You have paid the Membership Fee for the first month of Your Membership. Our decision whether or not to accept Your application is in Our absolute discretion.

2.3           Upon Our acceptance in writing of Your application and Your payment there will be a contract between You and Us on these Terms and Conditions.

2.4           Your Membership will be in accordance with Your Membership Plan, and Your use of the Gym must always be in accordance with Your Membership Plan.

2.5           The following Membership Plans are available:

2.5.1         Annual membership £350 paid upfront, 12 months for the price of 10, non-refundable;

2.5.2         Monthly subscription £37 paid by direct debit, no contract.

2.5.3          6 Month contract £35 a month followed by a rolling contract at £35 a month. 

2.6           You may choose any one of these Membership Plans in Your application to join the Gym.

2.7           Subject to the cancellation terms set out in sub-Clause 2.11 and 2.12:

2.7.1         Your Monthly Membership will be for a minimum period of 1 month; BUT

2.7.2         If You wish to continue Your Membership after the end of that period it will then continue indefinitely on a Month by Month rolling basis.

2.7.3     Your Annual Membership will run for the period of 12 months and will then terminate. You will be sent a notification in advance of this to ask if You wish to renew Your Annual Membership or change to a monthly. Your Annual membership will NOT renew automatically. 


2.8           Where the contract We make with You is not made on Our premises, the Regulations give You the rights set out in this sub-Clause 2.11, and they will be in addition to the rights given to You by sub-Clause 2.12. You may for any reason cancel Your Membership up until expiry of 14 days after the date when We accept Your application for Membership (14 day cooling off period) but if We begin to provide You with any facilities or services before the end of that period, and You have expressly requested Us to begin them before that end of that period, You may not cancel those particular facilities or services provided in that period once We begin to provide them, and You must pay for an amount of the Membership fee as is proportionate to the period of time over which You were provided with the requested facilities or services.  If You cancel as allowed by this Sub-clause 2.11, and You have already made any payments to Us under Clause 3, We will refund the payment(s) to You within 14 days of receiving Your cancellation less the amount due for the particular facilities or services requested which We have provided in that period. If You request that Your Membership be cancelled, You must confirm this in any way convenient to You. If You wish to cancel Your 6 month Membership after the initial 14 days, You will be required to pay the full 6 month fees. If You wish to cancel Your Annual Membership after the initial 14 days your fee is non-refundable. If You wish to cancel your monthly membership after the first 14 days you will be required to pay the full months fee. 

2.9           In addition to Your rights to cancel under the Regulations (as set out in sub-Clause 2.11 above) You may cancel Your Membership by giving at least one month’s prior written notice at any time BUT:

2.13.1      You may suspend Your Membership if You suffer a long-term illness, injury or pregnancy.  If You wish to suspend Your Membership You should inform Us of the suspension no later than 1 week prior to the billing date which is the start of the Month from which You wish the suspension to take effect.

2.10       We may require a medical certificate, doctor’s note or similar proof of illness or other incapacity for suspension under sub-Clause 2.13.

2.11     You may suspend Your Membership for reasons not covered by sub-Clause 2.13.  Non-medical suspension may be for a minimum period of 1 month up to a maximum period of 6 months 

2.12       Periods of suspension under sub-Clauses 2.13 and 2.15 shall not form part of the minimum period of Your Membership. For example, if You have 4 months left of Your minimum period of Membership and You take a 4 month suspension, You will still have 4 months remaining following the end of the suspension.

2.13       Your Membership can be transferred to another person.  If You wish to transfer Your Membership, You mustinform Us of the transfer.  Unless You are to continue paying the Membership Fees on behalf of the transferee, the transferee shall be required to provide new payment details.  The transferee will not be charged for any sums already paid by You as the original Member.  


3.             Membership Fees and Payment

3.1          Membership Fees are payable on a Monthly basis.

3.2          Membership Fees may be paid using any of the following methods:

3.2.1      Card or cash payment for annual membership and day pass and direct debit only for monthly membership 


3.3          If You pay Membership Fees by Direct Debit and You wish to change Your bank or the account used to pay, You must inform Us of the new bank details and the date on which You wish the change to take effect.

3.4          The minimum number of Membership Fee payments required shall be determined by the Membership Plan.

3.5          Subject to suspension of Your Membership under sub-Clauses 2.13 or 2.15, You must pay Membership Fees throughout Your Membership irrespective of Your non-use of the Gym.

3.6          You  will be denied access to the Gym if any Membership Fees payable by You remain outstanding. If you do not pay the sum owed when requested your membership will be cancelled.


4.             Gym Rules

4.1          We will give You a copy of the Membership Rules on request but the current Membership Rules will be available to read on the Clubright app.

4.2          We only make Membership available to a “Consumer” (as defined in Clause 1 above), and Your application to become a Member will be deemed to be Your confirmation that You are a “Consumer”. If at any time We find that you are not a “Consumer”, We may without liability to You cancel Your Membership forthwith by giving You a cancellation notice provided that We refund any Membership fees to You paid to Us for any period after the date of cancellation.

4.3          You must abide by the Membership Rules at all times when You use the Gym. If You do not, We will be entitled to suspend or terminate Your Membership.

4.4          You are responsible for Your own state of health, physical condition and wellbeing at all times.

4.5          You may only use the equipment and facilities provided by the Gym in the correct manner and must not use them in any manner which constitutes a health and safety risk either to You or to others.

4.6          You should not attempt to use any equipment or facilities until a suitably qualified instructor has instructed You in the correct use of the same.

4.7          If You have any medical condition or are taking any medication which may affect Your ability to exercise or use any equipment or facilities provided by the Gym in any way, You must inform Us of it and act in accordance with any instructions provided by Us as a result.

4.8          You must clean the equipment down with the facilities provided. 

4.9          You should not use the Gym when under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. No performance enhancing drugs are allowed on the premises. Use or dealing of these on the premises will result in immediate termination of membership. 

4.10       You should not use the Gym immediately following a heavy meal.

4.11       You should dress appropriately when using the Gym.  Outdoor clothing and/or dirty clothing should not be worn. No football colours allowed. There are changing facilities and toilets available. 

4.12       We do not allow smoking or vaping inside the Gym or anywhere else on the Gym’s property (including outside areas).

5.             Equipment and Facilities

5.1          We have all equipment inspected and tested on a weekly basis  We have maintenance carried out as required. 

5.2          If You become aware of any damaged or defective equipment You should immediately cease using such equipment and inform a member of Our staff.

5.3          We may withdraw Equipment at any time and for any reason including, but not limited to, maintenance, repair and alteration.

5.4       We make equipment and facilities available on a first-come-first-served basis subject to any agreement to the contrary with Us. We may give priority to disabled users, for example.

5.5          We have CCTV monitoring on the gym floor and in the car park for your own safety and that of others.

6.             Car Parking Facilities

6.1       We provide car parking facilities for Members only and You may only use them when You are using the Gym. Please be considerate to surrounding neighbours when entering and leaving the gym, especially early in the morning and late and night. Do not cause unnecessary noise. 

6.2          We accept no liability for any loss or damage which may result from Your use of the car parking facilities.

6.3          Membership does not guarantee that a parking space will be available for You to use.  Parking spaces are available on a first-come-first-served basis; 

6.4          Disabled parking spaces are provided and may be used only by You and only if You use it with a valid disabled parking badge.  If You park a car in a disabled parking space without a valid disabled parking badge on display, Your car may be removed.  You, or if You are not the owner of the car, then the owner, shall bear all costs associated with the removal and subsequent recovery of their car in such cases.


7.             Limitation of Liability

7.1       We will be responsible for any foreseeable loss or damage that You may suffer as a result of Our breach of these Terms and Conditions or as a result of Our negligence. Loss or damage is foreseeable if it is an obvious consequence of Our breach or negligence or if it is contemplated by You and Us when Our contract with You is created.  We will not be responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable.

7.2    We only provide or sell all facilities and/or services to You as a Consumer for Your personal and private use/purposes.  We make no warranty or representation that products, or other goods or materials that We provide or sell are fit for commercial, business, industrial, trade, craft or professional purposes of any kind (including resale).  We will not be liable to You for any loss of profit, loss of business, interruption to business or for any loss of business opportunity.

7.3       Nothing in these Terms and Conditions is intended to or will exclude or limit Our liability for death or personal injury caused by Our negligence (including that of Our employees, agents or sub-contractors); or for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.

7.4      Furthermore, if you are a “consumer” as defined by the Consumer Rights Act 2015, or a consumer for the purposes of any other consumer protection legislation, nothing in these Terms and Conditions is intended to or will exclude, limit, prejudice, or otherwise affect any of Our duties or obligations to You, or Your rights or remedies, or Our liability to You, under:

7.4.1      the Consumer Rights Act 2015; 

7.4.2      the Regulations;

7.4.3      the Consumer Protection Act 1987; or

7.4.4      any other consumer protection legislation 

as that legislation is amended from time to time.

For more details of Your legal rights, please refer to Your local Citizens’ Advice Bureau or Trading Standard Office.

8.             Changes to Terms and Conditions 

We may, from time to time, change these Terms and Conditions without giving You notice, but We will use Our reasonable endeavours to inform You as soon as is reasonably possible of any such changes.

9.             How We Use Your Personal Information (Data Protection)

We will only use Your personal information as set out in Our privacy policy found on our website and the Clubright app.

10.          Regulations 

We are required by the Regulations to ensure that certain information is given or made available to You as a Consumer before We make Our contract with You (i.e. before We accept Your application for Membership) except where that information is already apparent from the context of the transaction. We have included the information itself either in these Terms and Conditions for You to see now, or We will make it available to You before We accept Your application for Membership. All of that information will, as required by the Regulations, be part of the terms of Our contract with You as a Consumer.

11.          Information

As required by the Regulations:


14.1       all of the information described in Clause 10; and 

14.2       any other information which We give to You about any Membership, facilities, services or the Gym which You take into account when deciding to make an application for Membership or when making any other decision about the facilities or services 


will be part of the terms of Our contract with You as a Consumer.


12.          Complaints

We always welcome feedback from Our customers and, whilst We always use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that Your experience as a customer of Ours is a positive one, We nevertheless want to hear from You if You have any cause for complaint. If You have any complaint about Our facilities, services or any other complaint about the Gym or any of Our staff, please raise the matter with Ricky or Gillian Flanagan who can be contacted at the Gym or by phone on 01698810406 or by email info@uddingstongym.co.uk. If there are any issues outside clinic hours, please contact 07971889751 or 07449841045.


13.          No Waiver

No failure or delay by Us or You in exercising any rights under these Terms and Conditions means that We or You have waived that right, and no waiver by Us or You of a breach of any provision of these Terms and Conditions means that We or You will waive any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision.

14.          Severance

If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is held by any competent authority to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part the validity of the other provisions of these Terms and Conditions and the remainder of the provision in question shall not be affected.

15.          Law and Jurisdiction

15.1       These Terms and Conditions, the Contract, and the relationship between you and Us (whether contractual or otherwise) shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with the law of Scotland.

15.2       As a consumer, you will benefit from any mandatory provisions of the law in your country of residence. Nothing above takes away or reduces your rights as a consumer to rely on those provisions.

15.3       Any dispute, controversy, proceedings or claim between you and Us relating to these Terms and Conditions, the Contract, or the relationship between you and Us (whether contractual or otherwise) shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of England, Wales, Scotland, or Northern Ireland, as determined by your residency.